This is a page used to make documentation papers for certifie safetycages.
At the moment it is only Norway that uses this service but we are open to expand if there is a market for this service in other countries. This entire page is in english so it is open to everyone that are intrested in using it. The only thing you need is a aproval from FIA or you local representative so you are allowed to build / certify safety cages.
However this is just a method to make and store documentation, when this is done this documentation have to be printed and signed by the approver. This documentation is not valid before it is signed.
If you have any questiones please contact us.
The way this works:
1-> Logg inn.
2-> Your personal data will automaticly be inserted to this form.
3-> Input cage specifications.
4-> Input car specifications.
5-> Upload images.
6-> Submitt cage to approval.
1-> Logg inn.
2-> Check your "cages for aproval" page.
3-> Select a cage.
4-> Your personal information is inserted once you open page (dont forget to save).
5-> Check "user" inputted information.
6-> Approve cage if everything is ok.
7-> Print pdf documentation.
If the user/builder of the cage and aprover is the same person he will get bothe user and approver options in his page.